It's been a long time since I gave you pervs a good blogging, so I thought I'd drop a quickie on you...
I recently saw the film Bridesmaids, and since it is without question the best film in theaters at the moment (the new Pirates is pretty good as well... don't believe the critics), I think you should as well. It is a romantic comedy wrapped in a chick flick wrapped in a gross-out slapstick flick wrapped in a buddy movie (wrapped in an enigma?).
Whatever category you assign it to, the film is just funny, and it's great to see skinny little Kristen Wiig (a big celeb crush of mine, believe it or not) in a leading role. The movie also provides a great opportunity for my primary celebrity crush to shine as well, and Melissa McCarthy steals every single scene that she's in. Though Wiig and co-star Mya Rudolph are the principles in this flick, it is McCarthy's Megan that makes the movie almost transcendently funny. And even though McCarthy is frumpily clad throughout the film, her sexiness overcomes and makes her stand out among her other female counterparts. When we finally get to see the wedding at the end of the film, McCarthy looks amazing in her bridesmaid dress.
You can thank Ms. Chuck for my crush on Melissa. In the early years of our relationship, she used to make me watch Gilmore Girls every single week. I ended up joining her on the couch every week, not to hear the witty (read: annoyingly convoluted) dialogue of the show, but to lust after Suki. Does that make me a bad person?
This film isn't just a chance to see a sexy fat girl run around the screen, however. This is a smartly written comedy that brings legitimate laughter. This probably doesn't make sense, but Bridesmaids makes you laugh at things you don't usually laugh at, the writers have avoided the comedic cliches that plague many would-be funny movies and elicit groans instead of guffaws. And it also provides a very realistic look at weddings and the sometimes painful process leading up to them. The movie is not without its flaws (it's a bit anti-climactic, and feels very long), but it will probably go down as the funniest movie of the year, even with another Hangover on deck.
Here's a quick tip. Do not go to the bathroom during these three scenes: the engagement party toast, the dress fitting (you REALLY don't want to miss that one), and the airplane scene. These scenes are more like SNL skits that seem to go on forever and just keep getting funnier.
But again, McCarthy is the highlight of the film, in my opinion. This may be because I would pay top dollar to watch her read a grocery list, but whatever. We have some random pics of Melissa, some from the movie, others that are just examples of how gorgeous she is.
Those dimples again!
Megan is never scared to show her freaky side.
I'll also throw a little porn in here... this is supposed to be a porn blog after all...

That's Dawn Davenport.
So where have I been? We'll get into that later...