As the lack of posts here lately would suggest, I have other things on my mind besides fat girl porn. Not many things, mind you (there's not a whole lot of room up there), but I have other interests. One of those things is sports, and I happen to be a pretty big college football guy. Bowl season began this past weekend (I know, I didn't watch those games either), so I thought I'd acknowledge that today, and I thought I'd use this opportunity to salute some of the best reporters in the sports world in the process.
ESPN possesses an arsenal of lovely female reporters, but primarily one lady, Erin Andrews, is given sex symbol status. I thought it was telling that with every image search that I did for each of the ladies in this post, a photo of Erin came up. Consequently many of the females in ESPN's lineup that may not have a single-digit dress size are overlooked. Of course, they may be respected in the field of journalism, but I think it's time for someone to subject these ladies to the same objectification that is usually reserved for the skinny sideline hotties. I'm a BBW lover, and I am never phased when Erin is strutting her emaciated body around on gameday. But when curvy little Holly Rowe is doing a game, I'll stick around, even if it's teams I don't care about.
I'm actually at home right now watching First Take on ESPN2, and co-host Dana Jacobson and guest Jemele Hill are lighting up the screen. As Jemele argues with douche Skip Bayless, I can't help but notice how amazing she looks this morning. Her hair is just gorgeous today! So, without going all creepy porn guy, I want to show my appreciation for not only the professionalism and grace with which these women do their job, but I want to proclaim to the world (well, at least the BBW porn watching world) that these ladies are freaking hot. Below we have a few more pics. I pray that I've done this in good taste, and I hope you enjoy.
Jemele again (smart women are sexy!)
Rachel Nichols (those eyes! You knew a redhead would make the list.)
Holly Rowe
Linda Cohn (truly passionate sports fan, New Yorker, marriage material)
Like I stated above, I am a big college football fan, and the bowl season is generally pretty exciting for me.
One of my two teams is actually in a pretty prestigious bowl this time, so yay.
College football is awesome, but this awesomeness too often overshadows the fact that the highest level of the sport is run by some pretty shady people. This is the reason that the silly BCS system is still firmly in place even though no sane person can argue that a playoff wouldn't be a better option. Dan Wetzel's book, Death to the BCS: The Definitive Case Against the Bowl Championship Series, is the most comprehensive and convincing case against the BCS ever laid out. Every college football fan should read this. You'll never look at the sport the same way again, and you may even begin to lose faith in the people who run major universities across the nation, but it is a must read. It is journalism at it's very best, as well as an example of lively and stylish writing. And incidentally, it makes a very nice last minute holiday gift for the college football fan that you love.
But again, the awesomeness of the sport of football trumps all, and though the bowl season features maybe 3 or 4 games out of 35 that may arouse interest in those of us who didn't attend the schools in question or aren't blood relatives or sex partners of the players, it's still great. Utah plays Boise State tomorrow, and if Ms. Chuck's parents weren't coming over tomorrow night to totally ruin what would’ve been a nice evening have dinner with us, I would probably be watching.
So there you go. I'll try to squeeze in another post before Christmas, but no promises.
Oh, alright here's a little porn, since it's been a while...
Just some nice natural sex with a stunning woman. Beautiful, no?
Later kids.