Sunday, November 28, 2010
BBWs get some big love in the mainstream with 'Sister Wives'

Thursday, November 25, 2010
London Andrews!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Boobie Wednesday: For the Last Time...

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Some Thoughts About Race and Porn...
“Epic scene, too bad it has been done before. I would like to see her doing something other than interracial, otherwise whats the point in watching her anymore.” -plumperpass.com
“Now, this is perfection in a White Woman. He did right to pay her respect by eating her out until she came several times. You see this and you know why Black men need White women” -xhamster.com (I don’t even know what the fuck they mean here)
“another girl of color? too much already. Let's get back to the tasty white girls” -plumperpass.com
“only a BBC can handle that gorgeous big white body. -xhamster.com
“I don't particularly like the sight of a firepluggy broad suckin' a live turd ...” (by “live turd” this asshole means a black man’s dick) -xhamster.com
“why is she fucking a monkey? oh, cuz she’s ugly. ok, nevermind.” -xhamster.com
While I still think the addition of comments sections on many of the porn websites is a great idea, I am starting to avoid reading them when an interracial porn scene is involved. I’m actually starting to avoid them altogether, as nothing even remotely clever or intelligent is found there. Don’t get me wrong, I’m the dumbass for thinking that I could get stimulating conversation from a porn site. I should have known that I would rarely get insightful nuggets about the way in which a scene was filmed, or how a particular porn scene represents real-life sexuality, or even useful information about the actors. What you get in the comments section is often the lowest common denominator; statements of the obvious: “Damn that bitch is hot!” or “That’s a big ass dick,” insults: “that ugly motherfucker wouldn’t be fucking her if she didn’t get paid,” and of course, the creepy, gross stuff: “I wish I was there so I could lick the cum out of her ass” or “would love to see her do a mother/grown son taboo scene, now that would be fucking hot!!!” That last one was an actual comment, and no, it would not be hot.
The other thing that can be found in abundance in these comments sections is racism. The one thing I’ve actually learned from reading these comments is that, while racism may not be the prominent issue that it once was, it is still something that affects people’s lives, and thought processes. As a Black man, I already knew this, but blogging about pornography is showing me how this racism or rather race-consciousness plays a very important role in how certain people view sexuality.
Since I first started watching porn back in the days of VHS tapes, race has always been an important aspect of how porn was packaged and marketed. There has always been smut for every cultural group: Black porn, Latino porn, Asian porn, Indian porn, I’ve even seen porn with Muslim women fucking in Burkas. And even though most porn features White people, and it may have been considered racist, there has been porn marketed as being exclusively White. Remember the NBA porn tapes? No, that’s not porn featuring pro basketball players, NBA stood for No Black Ass. Of course, NWA (No White Ass) porn also surfaced.
Where race has become a taboo subject in everyday life, something that everyone thinks about but doesn’t mention, it has always been front and center in porn. People are very race-conscious about the porn that they watch, and they are not at all shy about this. The skin color of the people doing the fucking and sucking is important to many of you, to the point that you will turn away from the wrong color, and porn companies know this. However, I was naïve (stupid) enough to not realize this, even after years of watching porn, and the emergence of comments sections have been a revelation for me. For me, if the scene is hot, I’m not worried about ethnicity, but for some people the wrong cultural background is a real wood-killer.
Now, I’ll get real. Possibly real offensive for some people. The truth is that the most intense racial animus in this country has always been between Blacks and Whites. Combine this deep-rooted conflict (on both sides) with the fact that in porn, a primarily visual medium, the radical differences in physical features are always on display, and you have the most polarizing issue in porn. Interracial porn has become one the biggest niches in the medium, but when an Asian chick takes a White dick up the ass, or when a White stud has a threesome with a couple of sexy Latinas, the racial differences almost go unnoticed. But fucking a Black person is still a big deal, in real life and in porn, so much so that the term “interracial” as a category or fetish has come to almost exclusively denote fucking Black people, and the act of a White woman fucking a Black man has been fetishized to death.
Entire websites are dedicated to Black dudes tasting the forbidden fruit that is White pussy, partly because this act of fucking a Black man is a still viewed as a radically freaky sexual act. Plumperpass, my favorite porn site even dedicates a weekly update to this little porn preoccupation, with their BBWs Gone Black site. This site has spawned some of their most amazing scenes, but I always have a conflict within myself when dealing with that material because they fetishize interracial sex to the point where it’s not just two people fucking anymore. It’s almost as if your favorite BBWs are fucking animals every Wednesday, as if the site is saying “OMG! Brace yourself, fellas. Your favorite sexy plus-sizer is gonna go crazy today and give her precious White (or non-black) pussy to some Black dude!” The scenes are sexy, but while the perv in me is extremely turned on, the human being in me is always troubled by the fact that Plumperpass is telling me that a Black man is not just a man, he’s a Black man, and somehow different in ways that transcend the physical. The subtext of the very existence of BBWs Gone Black is that fucking a Black man is still something that a White woman has no business doing. It’s not just PP, the phenomenon of the hot white woman getting a big Black cock (I can’t see anything with the letters BBC and not think of interracial hardcore… thanks, porn) is prevalent in every part of the porn world, and they make it because apparently YOU want to see it.
The reason I decided to write this post was because of the polarizing reaction to interracial scenes featuring Black guys and White women. The White guys (or non-Black guys) consistently complain about the fact that they can’t properly masturbate to a White chick if she degrades herself by fucking the beast that is a Black man, and Black dudes almost invariably talk about this White pussy as the ultimate prize for the Black man, reinforcing one of the most embarrassing stereotypes of the Black male. I have always been an equal opportunity perv, so I don’t care what the skin colors are if the scene is hot, and I am still naïve (stupid) enough that I can’t understand that people aren’t simply viewed as people and not labeled according to their racial identity, so I find myself offended or at least troubled by both sides of this. I want to strangle every single person who acts as if a White women is demeaning herself by going Black, and I wish Black guys wouldn’t worship at the altar of vanilla snatch as well.
Full disclosure here: I am an African American man, and in my real life, the sight of a White woman holding my dick (my BBC, if you will) in her hands and sucking it was a beautiful one. Some of my most enjoyable sexual experiences were with a woman of another race, and if I’m being honest, her physical differences, her hair, her eyes, her Whiteness, were particularly appealing. Also, one of my favorite camgirls, Charlotte always teases me by describing what it would be like for us to be naked together, and how beautiful the contrast of our skin tones would be (she’s White), and she’s right. So I truly understand the appeal of interracial sex and interracial porn, and the fact that race is an important part of people’s sexuality. I’m just marveling at the fact that racism and race-consciousness is so prevalent in porn.
Notice there are no solutions here. There may not even be a problem. I only wanted to make an observation about something that has been gnawing at me for a while. I am not condemning anyone (well, I am condemning you truly racist motherfuckers), just taking note of something that I see in porn. In my time as a blogger, I have encountered countless comments like the ones seen above, websites that cater almost exclusively to one racial group, and porn stars who will never fuck an African American on camera. And my efforts to blog about BBW escorts have been hindered by the difficulty of finding escorts who don’t use racial profiling as a part of their screening process (read: they don’t serve Black men). Race and sex are almost inextricably tied, and it is amazing that, in porn, race is openly discussed in ways that you almost never see in everyday life. With this issue more than any other, pornography says significant things about sexuality, as well as our society in general.
I'd love to hear some responses to this in the comments, but because of the types of remarks that appear at the top of this post, I won't be hurt if you just read.Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Boobie Wednesday: Jane Kush

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Boobie Wednesday: I love you, Charlie Cooper

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Remebering Shay Thomas

Oops! I hope that headline doesn't make it sound like Shay is dead or anything, but every once in a while, as you know if you stop here regularly, I like to remember the BBWs who impacted me in the past. Today we remember the beautiful Shay Thomas. She was one of the first BBWs that I... well, that I masturbated to as a teen. Her work still holds up, and a few vestiges of her sexiness still survive and are available to all of us through the miracle of flash video.

The last clip is probably the best of this lot. Shay gets DPed, and there's no annoying music.