Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Boobie Wednesday Bonus
Here is another contribution to your Boobie Wednesday. I have never seen this beautiful woman before, but I hope that I can uncover more of her work in the future. She shows a lot more passion than our clip from earlier today, and, she has the perfect physical attributes for Boobie Wednesday. Hope you like.
Boobie Wednesday: Laura Orsolya

It's Wednesday, so we have a quick titty flash for you. This week it's Laura Orsolya. I'm embarrassed to say that I am not really familiar with her work, though I believe she's been around for some time. I do know that she is quite beautiful, however, and has breasts to die for. Below we have a clip from our good friends at pornhub that provides some great boob worship, and some additional fucking and sucking as well. I also love the fact that they start their little sexcapade with a glass of wine. Very classy.
Laura Orsolya gets fucking brought to you by PornHub
Enjoy the porn, and visit the Boobie Wednesday Blog today. Later, kids.
Monday, June 28, 2010
At the Movies

Amber (check out her new plumperpass update today. It's incredible)
In addition to the porn recommendation above, we'll pass along a 3-pack of reviews of regular movies that I've have had the opportunity to see in the past couple of weeks. This is the season for blockbusters, but we are not exactly off to a great start. I will take the three films that I have seen most recently and give you some quick takes. We'll start with the bad news...
I thought Sex and the City was the worst movie of the year, but then I made the mistake of giving in to boredom and taking Ms. Chuck to see Grown Ups. This script is so poorly written that it feels like the actors are making up the plot as they go along. With a cast that features Adam Sandler, Chris Rock (in his worst ever performance), and Kevin James, you would think this movie would be hilarious (I would name Rob Schneider and David Spade, who are also among the cast, but their presence in a movie is usually a warning sign). There are a few laughs here and there, but this is mostly an opportunity for Sandler and his friends to take your money. I say keep your cash and wait for this to come to netflix, if you just have to see it. But trust me, you have heard every tired joke that Grown Ups will spit at you, so you won't miss anything. Maya Rudolph and Selma Hayek distract you from the awful script with their hotness, however, so it's not a total waste.
I don't usually like to read subtitles at the movies, but The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo, a Swedish film based on the popular novels by Steig Larsson, was more than worth the effort. The film follows a disgraced journalist and a troubled young computer hacker as they attempt to solve a decades old murder mystery. The film will grab from the very start and it will command your attention for every bit of its 2 1/2 hours, and not just because you have to read the screen (well, unless you speak Swedish). It is one of the most compelling crime dramas to come to the screen in years. I will warn you, though; this film features some pretty sick shit, I mean really sick shit. It's not gratuitous, as it is a major factor in developing the character of Lisbeth, the "Girl" in the title (her tatoo is fantastic, by the way), but it is still sick, and for some very difficult to watch. Lisbeth is played by the androgynously gorgeous Noomi Rapace, and her sex scene in the latter half of the movie more than makes up for the disturbing early moments. I kid, but Rapace's performance will captivate you, though it is not clear at first why her role is so critical, in my opinion, one of the film's few flaws. This is the first part in a trilogy and apparently, there will be an American version as well. But with the likes of Kristen Stewart up for the lead, I'm thinking the Swedish version will be the one to stick with. See this movie.
We have another foreign film, this time from the UK. I guess shit like Sex and the City and Grown Ups have made me a little nervous about buying American. But Harry Brown, the story of an old man who goes vigilante after the death of his only friend, is truly one of the best movies out currently, regardless of country. If you're the type that prefers "feel good" stories, then you should sit this one out, however. I have never seen a movie so relentlessly bleak. The characters of the rough town in which Harry lives are ruthless and one dimensional. Harry has to sink to their level and use his skills as an ex-military man to exact revenge on the thugs who are ruining his surroundings. There is a considerable amount of heavy violence, and an opressive cloud of darkness hangs over the entire film. Even as a viewer, you'll feel the same burden Harry feels as he fights the evil around him. Michael Caine is spectactular as Harry, providing one of the most heart felt performances of his long career, and the adorable Emily Mortimer plays a righteous cop who helps Harry.
Obviously all movie recommendations are subjective, so don't just take my word for it, though I think you'd have to be a little weird if you thought Grown Ups was watchable. The next film I see will be the third installment in the Twilight saga, as Ms. Chuck drags me to the theater for that. I better get some that night or it'll be a total waste.
Later, people.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sideways BBW
A quick post for you today before I watch the latest episode of Trueblood. The clip below is from one of my favorite movies, Sideways.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Boobie Wednesday: Monique

It's a bit late, but as promised, we have your Boobie Wednesday update. It features Monique, one of my all time faves, and one of the first BBWs to catch my attention. Below is a video clip that gives you a chance to worship her enormous breasts:
Check out this post from Don Carlos for more information on Monique's work. She is no longer in the business, but her body of work is one of the finest any BBW has ever bestowed upon us. We thank Don for bringing this stunning woman back into our consciousness.
I would say more, but Ms. Chuck is literally inches away from me as I post this.
Enjoy the clip, and remember to pass the word about the Boobie Wednesday blog and spread Breast cancer awareness.
Grown Up Shit...

Been dealing with grown up shit lately, and when you're dealing with grown up shit, you have to put the fat girl porn away for a bit. This is the reason for the lack of posts in the past week or so. It also means I am forced to contemplate the demise of this little blog.
By this time next month, I will be 34 years old, married, employed (hopefully!), and getting ready for the next round of grad school. And, don't tell Ms. Chuck, but I think I have caught the baby bug, and serious discussions about making a family will begin very soon. So your boy will become a man right before your eyes.
Of course, I've either been dreading or completely ignoring all this grown up shit this last month or so, living my life the same reckless immature way I always have, porn and wine being my most abundant vices. Thank God I haven't been able to score weed during this down time or I would be high as I'm writing this. I have basically become Hank Moody without the money, the myriad pussy, or the writing talent. But I have made a decision to get my shit together. Well, I may have been forced to.
Yesterday afternoon I was driving, still feeling the affects of a weekday wine bender the night before, and decided to make a dangerous lane change in front of the truck pictured above. I was much too close to the truck, and I found myself in that blind spot that people always warn you about. So before I could get safely in front of the trucker, I was scraped violently on the back driver's side, putting some dings and gashes all over my pretty little Chevy. My car was so beautiful before this little fender-bender, and I almost cried when I saw the damage. Luckily, we were going slowly, or that monster would have squashed my little Chevy like a ladybug.
But I'm fine, I lived to blog about it. It'll be an expensive little problem for me, but I'll make it. And I'll learn from it. It's funny how a car accident can shake you up and make you evaluate things. I think about how I had to leave my house at exactly the right time, and I had to try to make a lane change at exactly the right moment, at exactly the right speed. As tragic as many car crashes may be, it is interesting to view them as startling examples of fate or destiny, to observe the ways in which these "accidents" are not accidental at all, how they may have been meant to happen for whatever reason.
After the truck hit me, I pulled over to the side of the road and screamed various expletives at the top of my lungs, partly out of anger with myself and the trucker, but also because I knew that my reckless driving was the result of the reckless lifestyle I've been living for the past month or so. The situation made me evaluate what I was living for.
And it made all of the grown up shit far more real than it's ever been. What if I had died? They would have found my skinny, possibly mangled body with alcohol still in my system. Eventually someone would have looked in my bag, opened the CD case and found the porn dvd I was watching and may have reviewed here. (It's called "Bouncy Sex Pigs, by the way, and aside from the creepy animal role play, it's fucking hot... and Cassie Blanca is amazing in it.) Eventually someone would have opened my Macbook and saw the sexy pics that were waiting in one of the folders to be posted here, or opened my tweetdeck to see the freaky twitter updates of the naughty people that I follow, or opened my yahoo messenger or Skype apps and saw nothing but strange female names as my contacts.
Part of me is proud of my online craziness, but I am also conscious of the conservative nature of those who know me in real life, including a certain beautiful woman who lives in my house, and I don't want these things to be a lasting memory for any of them. Of course there are certain religious folks who know all about some of my dirty habits and will forever judge me, but fuck them (I may share that story at some point). But I don't want the people that I love, and who couldn't possibly understand what goes on here, to see me in a disturbing light.
So, I will be focusing on the grown up shit in my life more closely from now on, and blogging less and less, until ultimately, BBWF disappears forever.
I am still a bit shaken up; I keep having flashbacks and those tormenting "what if" scenarios playing over and over in my head even as I type this. And I will never again drive within ten feet of one of those goddamned trucks. So I'm a little down at the moment. I'll need some fairly expensive Pinot Noir and a camgirl with the ability to make me smile before the end of the day. Then the grown up shit will begin anew.
And I haven't forgotten about Boobie Wednesday. Look for a titty post, and a good one, at some point in your blogging day.
But soon the wild, sexy, dirty, ride that is BBWF will be over. I have to grow up at some point... I guess.
Later, people.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Wank Free Friday

I am trying to maintain my self-control today and abstain from pleasuring myself, an attempt to save myself for Ms. Chuck tonight. Still I find myself wandering all over the internet and coming across videos such as the ones below (apparently, there is a ton of hardcore porn on the Web!). I won't be enjoying these myself, but I will pass them along to you:
The first features the very chocolaty Stacy Adams. I'm not feeling the arm thingies, but somehow she makes it work.
Next, we have Mz. Diva, in what I believe is her best hardcore clip. Of course, her massive breasts are the highlight of this one. They are unreal.
We also have a soccer themed clip, in honor of the World Cup. I don't know who this soccer mom is, but this clip is amazing.
Please enjoy the clips, because I won't... but that's probably a good thing. Later, people.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Boobie Wednesday
It's Boobie Wednesday once again, and this week we bring you a beautiful clip of some woman. I have no clue who this young lady is... sorry about that. But she is absolutely perfect for a day such as this, I'm sure you'll agree.
My apologies for the first 3-4 minutes of the clip. If you only watched that part, you'd think this was "Vagina Wednesday." Also, on tnaflix the video is tagged "Udderly Delicious." I feel the need to apologize for that as well. Not that you see it, but I just apologize for it because... well... someone should.
My apologies for the first 3-4 minutes of the clip. If you only watched that part, you'd think this was "Vagina Wednesday." Also, on tnaflix the video is tagged "Udderly Delicious." I feel the need to apologize for that as well. Not that you see it, but I just apologize for it because... well... someone should.
Oh well. Enjoy the hotness... and follow the Boobie Wednesday blog.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Before and After: Deborah Ann Woll

We welcome you to another episode of BBWF's Before and After. It's been a while, huh? For those of you who are unamiliar with this, Before and After is a kind of reverse Biggest Loser, where we take a bony celebrity type and imagine what she would look like if she were a bit more cushiony. We're not feeders, and we think these women are beautiful the way they are, but it's fun to let your imagination do strange and creative things sometimes. We use BBW porn models as our points of comparison.
Today, we fatten up Deborah Ann Woll, one of the stars of the HBO series Trueblood. It is currently my favorite show (I am practically counting the seconds until the season starts), and in honor of the new season, which begins Sunday, I thought we'd feature my favorite redheaded vamper. If Deborah were transformed into a big beautiful plus size woman, there's a chance that people might confuse her with one of my favorite hardcore BBW performers, Julie Ann Moore:
Pretty interesting, right? Deborah's character, new vampire Jessica is quickly becoming one of the most intriguing characters on the sci-fi fantasy soap opera, and I am becoming increasingly smitten by her. Remember, redheads are possibly my biggest weakness. This explains many of my little Web crushes. The world could really use a redheaded BBW vampire.
We've also included a trailer for the third season to get you wet and ready for the premiere. I am absolutely dying to see some new episodes. Waiting sucks!
The new season looks like it will be unbelievable. Much more interesting than that sappy ass Twilight bullshit.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Camgirls Please Read...

For the last few weeks, I have been in a very unfamiliar position: I am completely relaxed and stress free, which means I can chill without worrying about the everyday bullshit that many people face. This also means that I am bored out of my fucking skull. Most people in my situation would find a nice book to read, or finish a creative project that they've been putting off, or at least work on some household duties.
Well, as you probably know, I'm a little different from the average bloke. I am out of school, jobless, and
for the time being, I am in a fairly comfortable financial situation. I am also a filthy-minded wanker with a penchant for the finest porn and BBW camgirls. So, during this down time, in addition to searching my soul and spending time in prayer and meditation (no, not really), I have been blogging here and elsewhere, tweeting, facebooking, watching new and intriguing porn, having skype sex with a wild Dutch woman, and for the first time in months, I have ventured back into the world of the webcam. For the last few months, I had to step away from my lovely camgirls because of the craziness of grad school, and aside from the occasional visit with the Muse (above), which was very rare, I really didn't spend time in sex chat rooms. When I found myself lonely, I would just go to twitter and chat with some of the cooler people that I follow, and honestly I didn't really miss camming that much. I missed Sandra, and some of my other true faves, but the experience itself was not really something I longed for.
But now that the storm of academics has finally passed, I have been passing through my favorite webcam site regularly... as in daily... and discovering some of the pretty new faces. I have rediscovered how gorgeous these women are, and unfortunately how excruciatingly boring the camgirl experience can be. This is not an insult to anyone or to the website, it's just a fact. At least for me. Remember, I'm only speaking for myself here; for you, the standard camming thing may be a big turn on, for me it can get really boring really quickly. This is why I miss women like my Sandra and others so much. A small percentage of women make the camming experience fun, not just because they are extraordinarily attractive, but because they are interesting people as well.
So today I thought I would give you a few stories of my recent encounters with camgirls at allbbwcams that... well... sucked ass. For probably the first time here at BBWF, I will talk about certain women in a negative light, and I will name names. Of course, I will make every effort to make my criticism constructive, and I will also offer suggestions that could make them more effective as models. I will also be very respectful as usual, but the three experiences sucked, and they will probably be the reason I step away from camming forever. I will use these experiences to provide illustrations for my advice to prospective camgirls. Of course, most camgirls will never read this, but fuck it... I have some time to kill. I have been visiting allbbwcams off and on for about nine months, and I have discovered three things that, in my opinion, make for an awesome chat room experience:
Have something to talk about - I spent time with new camgirl Fluffy BBW yesterday. She is an older woman, which I find incredibly sexy at times, so I was very intrigued. Upon entering her room, I was struck by how attractive she was. This woman is truly lovely, hot in that cougar/milf way, like your friend's mom. And her breasts are unbelievable. However, during my time in her room, all she would do was play with those awesome tits and try to talk dirty. And by "talk dirty," I mean tell everyone that we could see her tits in private. I tried to stick around, but after a few minutes of this, boredom just takes over. Fluffy is an example of what not to do as a camgirl in that you don't want to simply sit there and be sexy. It is a good idea to engage in conversation with the guys in the room. I repeatedly tried to ask Fluffy some questions, small talk like "where are you from?" or even "how are you tonight?" but she was focused on making everyone's dick hard and ignored me.
Now this may have been a profitable for Fluffy, I mean, it is a SEX chat, but I believe that camgirls should come to work with a sort of script; a list or outline of things to talk about for that day. Engage the customers in some kind of conversation. Talk about your day, or even current events. Ask open-ended survey-style questions that get the room talking. This will enliven the room, give the guys a sense of your personality, and drive away those who simply want to steal a free wank. Too many camgirls think that men on cam sites are soulless wankers who are ruled by their erections. Don't underestimate the value of your personality in this scenario. It can be the sexiest thing about a girl. If a guy just wants to see a girl be sexy, there are countless free porn sites they can visit.
Don't ignore guys with no money - Camgirl Kitten is one of the most beautiful camgirls that you will ever see. Seriously. I recommend that you visit her room. She has a sexy dirty punk look and an absolutely devastating lower body. But if you visit her, and you actually want her to acknowledge your presence, have money in your account. I first visited her room with no money, and I stuck around for a while. I repeatedly tried to engage her in conversation simply because I was so struck by her beauty, but I got no response. When other broke guys would ask "how are you?" or "what's going on?" she would reply "private shows" with a face so cold it was scary. I later returned to her room with credit in my account the same day, and she greeted me with a big smile and an enthusiastic "hi sweetie." I left her room immediately. Now, by "immediately" I mean eventually. I stared at her body for a few minutes, (she's so hot, I couldn't help it) but I ultimately left. And I will never go back.
Notice that I left the room broke, and returned with cash. Camgirls, just because you see zeros next to a screen name doesn't mean that the person is a freeloader, well... not necessarily. Of course, there are guys who are looking for free stuff with no intention of paying, but many guys, I will say even most guys, simply need time to interact with a girl before doing a private sex show. Because of this, you should treat everyone equally in the free portion of the chat room. You never know what seeds you're planting in the minds of the customers. He may be broke now, but pay day may be coming. Personally, I need the interaction with a person before I can do anything sexually, and I will never have a sex show with a woman that I haven't talked to somewhat extensively first. And I almost never go into a chat room without the ability to add money to my account. By openly judging a guy's worth solely on the credit in their account, you can alienate and embitter a prospective customer. And you should also remember, just because a guy has credit doesn't mean that he intends to spend it on YOU.
Be Yourself - A couple of nights ago I discovered Katrina Kay. This woman is one of the sexiest women I have ever seen. That is not hyperbole, and I don't even think it's a matter of opinion. Whether you like BBWs or not, Katrina will make your pants tighten, and I was impressed from the moment I entered her room. She is a busty blond with a very sweet and sexy disposition. Go see this woman if you get a chance... I am still in disbelief at how sexy she is. However, the only thing I came away with was memories of pretty face and curvy body. Don't get me wrong, this is no negative critique of Katrina; I am still reeling from the few minutes in her room. I just wish that she would have turned down the sexiness a little and showed her true personality a bit.
By "be yourself" I am not suggesting that camgirls divulge personal information, I simply mean that you should let your true personality shine through while you're camming and not just play the role of the internet stripper. Believe it or not, most of us in the chat room are not stroking our cocks and undressing you with our eyes. Yes, I said most. Personally when I visit allbbwcams, I am fully clothed, I have a snack or a cup of coffee close by, and I may even be watching TV or listening to the radio. I'm almost always more bored than horny, and I'd like the camgirl to stimulate my mind almost more than my cock. Every single woman on any cam site has so much more to offer than her body; they are special people on the inside. Try to show the customers what makes you a special person. This will separate you from the pack of "bimbos" and "playthings" and endear you to prospective customers. Again, if we just wanted the sex part, we'd go to a free porn site. I mean, we're already on the internet.
Okay, that's my unwanted and possibly offensive opinion about camgirls. I am not the "fuck your feelings" type, so I feel kinda dirty after openly criticizing these ladies. But I do believe that what I have said is the truth, and I stand by it. Of course I base my stories and opinions on primarily one site (allbbwcams). I have been to one other site, imlive, and I believe that it is also a great cam site based on sheer volume and variety, but I prefer allbbwcams. I believe it is the most customer friendly site... and, obviously, I like the fat girls.
I'll also point out that the real purpose of all cam sites is for dudes (and ladies) to pay to get their rocks off. It is basically an online strip club. You're not there to make friends and buddy up with the strippers, you're there to pay your money, jerk off, and go away, and this is what most of the models want you to do. But being a real person on cam, interacting with the customer, and genuinely having fun goes a long way in making the experience more enjoyable.
Below is a list of camgirls who I still think are the best at what they do. Of course, it is limited to allbbwcams. I hate to say it, but it is getting to the point where I will probably not visit the site if i can't cam with ladies such as these:
Sandra DoubleDDD - Still the best camming experience in the world, and forever my favorite. Her tits are unreal, and her personality is almost addictive. She embodies all of the qualities I've outlined above.
Charlotte - I never mention her here because she may not want me to, but fuck it... I love her. Charlotte is beautiful and brilliant, always completely herself, and always true to her personality and desires. And she has a dry sense of humor that has me literally laughing out loud every time I visit her. Though I smother her with an endless stream of compliments about her beauty, it is the regular natural conversation that keeps me coming back to her, and that's also what makes her so amazing. She is a strong, intelligent woman, and this is fucking sexy! She's also British, and hearing her talk brings me to my knees. Dammit, I miss her!
Gwen Dolan - Gwen (I call her Gwenie) is so sexy and so sweet that once you enter her room it is impossible to leave. I have this fantasy of resting my head on the shelf of her ass (yes, it's like a shelf!). And, as I have noted before, I could listen to this woman's voice all day long. I seriously think that she should put her voice to use in even more lucrative ways (voice over work, or audio books). It is so sexy in a soothing, comforting way. Her significant other is profoundly lucky in that he gets to lie next to her and hear that amazing voice. Pillow talk with Gwenie must me heavenly! This is another woman with an infectious personality and who genuinely enjoys what she does. I say all of these glowing things having never taken her private, and that speaks volumes.
Those are just a few of many women who make the camming experience worthwhile. Others would include Kellie Kay, Ivy, Synful Dame, Stacey, Penny Lane, Katie Jewel, Astral England, and Cherry Bomb.
Okay I'm done. This little piece has depressed me a little. I am really missing my faves, particularly the big redhead, and I am going to impose a ban on the site until one of them returns. I'm so bored!
Anyway, sorry about the verboseness of this post. I promise I'll give you more jerk off material next time. But I truly hope some cam girls have a chance to read this. I believe that my opinions are much more common than people may realize.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Boobie Wednesday: Anna Kay

It's Wednesday, so it's Boobie time, and we go to Plumperpass for a stunning newcomer who provided an amazing update last week. Anna Kay, beautiful blonde bombshell with a pleasingly plump physique, looks like a rising star in the BBW porn world, and you owe it to yourself to check out her work. She looks great, and the sex in the video portion of the update is very real and natural.
Below we have a small sampling of the photos. Because it's Wednesday, we've selected pics that accentuate her chesticles.
Enjoy the pics... support PP... and check out the Boobie Wednesday blog.
Monday, June 7, 2010
New iphone!

Maria (visit her blog)
At long last, our lord Steve Jobs has finally answered the challenge that Android has presented to his company's most innovative product. The iphone, in my humble opinion the most elegant piece of mobile technology ever created, has been upgraded.
There it is... isn't it wonderful.
This is just a quick post about the new phone, which was revealed today at Apple's Worldwide Developer's Conference. I'm sticking with Android for the time being, but I must admit, this new toy is pretty damned sexy. I'm an Apple fanboy, so I would be remiss if I didn't at least acknowledge this news. Though I'll probably never own one, I'm pretty excited about it. Below we have some links that will give you everything you need to know, so go ahead and get your geek on, people.
And.... that beautiful girl at the top of the page is Maria. You REALLY want to check out her blog. She is a lovely plus size woman who is proud of her curves, and she shares her beauty with the world in a very creative and artful way. Below we have another shot from the blog:
Later, people...
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Derek Fisher Can Lick My Ass: BBWF's NBA Finals Preview
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The other computer is in the shop...

Cherry Moonz (She's such a geek... and I love that!)
... so I can only blog at odd times, either obscenely late at night, or during the day when I should be trying to be a productive member of society. I'm getting too old to stay up past 1am, so fuck society, I'm gonna blog this afternoon. Oh, the computer thing is an issue because, with only one computer in the house, I have to wait until I'm alone to do my dirty internet stuff. I did mention that this is a secret blog, and that my good girl wifey-to-be would sear off my balls with a hot curling iron if she found out right? I forget. Anyway, her computer (a shitty virus-riddled PC) is sick as a dog, and she has to use my Mac more often. It's so funny how I'm the one who surfs all the porn, but her computer is the one that gets e-AIDS. Go figure. But I have found that Ms. Chuck is just as addicted to the internet as yours truly, and her hogging of my Macbook cost me a chance to chat with my Muse last night, and I'm still pissed about that. Wonder if she has a secret blog...
... Summer of Death 2 is in full motherfucking effect right now as we lost Gary Coleman (you people should be ashamed for all your jokes), Dennis Hopper, and Jeriome Robertson (you probably don't know him, but Houstonians remember him as a pitcher for the Astros) this past week. Everything that needs to be said about this has already been uttered, so I'll just add, very eloquently: death sucks.
Rather than dwell on death, I will direct your attention to two of my favorite individuals in entertainment, who are still with us, and celebrated birthdays in the past week: Movie icons Clint Eastwood, who turned 80 this past Monday, and Morgan Freeman, who turned 73 yesterday. These two men have touched my life so profoundly through their work, that I feel like I know them personally. Freeman eerily reminds me of my own father.
The clip above is from Unforgiven, my favorite Eastwood/Freeman collaboration, and a classic American western. Go see it today, and celebrate the lives of these two great men.
... Glory Foxxx is back on PlumperPass, after a long hiatus, and she is featured in a pretty hot new update. She looks as fleshy and as fine as she ever has, and I'm very pleased to see her partner in the scene. No, I don't think he's sexy. But it seems apparent to me that Glory and this dude have something deeper between them than meaningless on-camera sex, and the romantic in me thinks this is cool. Regardless, I'm a big fan of this dirty talking BBW goddess, and it's good to see her. BBWF wishes her the very best. Check out the update when you get a chance.
... I'm digging the new Kanye West joint that leaked this weekend, "Power." What say you?
... No BBWF post is complete without porn, so either step over it like so much dog shit, or happily click play. It's good stuff... I have exquisite taste:
I don't usually go for the Double Penetration stuff (too many dicks, you know), but this is hot, torrid even. Thank you, pornhub.
... ahem... *nudges you*... You do realize that we're two games into the Stanley Cup Finals right? Didn't think so. Well, you're missing some damn good Hockey, on the part of both the Chicago Blackhawks and the Philadelphia Flyers. The Flyers lost both the first two games in Chicago, and, even though they have proven that they are the comeback kids of these playoffs, I don't think they have enough to fend off the Hawks. I won't believe Chi-Town will lose a series this year until I actually see it, and I think the Hawks take tonight's game to go up 3-0, but Philly will salvage a victory in Game 5.
The Blackhawks
Oh, and the game is tonight at 7pm Central on Ver... fuck it, never mind...
Ms. Sugar
...Lastly I will pass along a blog recommendation for you. One of my favorite twitter peeps, Ms. Sugar (@scarredxsugar) has started a new blog, and it is revolting. You should read her first entry in order to understand exactly what I mean by that. Sugar is not a porn chick, but she is straight out of one of my little sordid fantasies: she's a sexy BBW, she's 420 friendly, she's a Cali girl, she's brilliant, and she is a truly gifted writer. She has some great things to say on a variety of topics, and her blog will entertain and inform, as well as titillate (damn, did I just use the word titillate??). Click on that photo you've been gawking at to visit Sugar's blog... and follow her on Twitter.
Okay that's it... gotta clear off all of the filth from this Macbook so Ms. Chuck can surf her girlie sites, and find out what Team Edward is squeeing over this week. Or maybe so she can blog about big black cocks? Who knows? Either way, I won't be blogging again until she's done... and asleep or at work.
Look for my NBA Finals preview on tomorrow... with a little Sexy fat girl porn mixed in.
Later, kids...
Boobie Wednesday: Samantha 38G

Sam (the sickest tits in hardcore porn)
It's Boobie Wednesday (again??? damn, I better get a fucking job), and today we have the privilege of viewing some of the loveliest breasts ever. God outdid himself when he made Sam; her body is, in my opinion, the most exquisite in Hardcore porn, and she has a unique and delightful personality as well, which also shows itself in all of her work. Hearing Sam's adorable laugh and listening for the jokes that she'll crack during a scene is a big part of what makes her so great.
Below we have a few pics from today's PlumperPass update, which features Sam enjoying a nice black cock. These shots give you a good look at the different sides of Sam's fun personality:
Playful Sam
Honestly, I haven't seen the video portion of the update yet, I'm not really in the mood. But it's Sam, so I have an almost clairvoyant certainty that every single one of you will enjoy this video immensely, so go watch it now.
Support PlumperPass and remember to visit the Boobie Wednesday Blog today.
That's it for now, but look for another post later today.
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